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Oct 25, 2011

Cedar Creek Battle Reenactment @ Cedar Creek Battlefield - Middletown, VA

My very first civil war re-enactment to be at and to photograph. I had a blast. I thank my good friends Carol & Eric for making this happen for me and for their guidance throughout the event. I did my processing by using various vintage tones, some of which are quite dramatic with their high contrasts and surreal tones and I had so much fun doing so.

I took so many photos, it is impossible for me to upload them all here so I put together an album. Below, at the bottom of this page, you may find the link for my Picasa web albums (Picasa Photostream) where you may view the rest of the photos. Enjoy the expressions of the Cedar Creek Battle Re-enactment.

Oct 10, 2011

Street Photography - Old Town New Castle

Saturday morning I went to Old Town New Castle. It was a gorgeous morning. I was hoping to capture something perfect for the Street Photography Now Project Year 2, First Assignment which is “The real truth of life is on the streets. Photograph the daily lives of people, and how they exist, and how they fight for space and time and pleasure.” Not long after I arrived there, I noticed a lady sitting outside with her dog, reading her morning paper, sipping her coffee and chit chatting with locals as they walk by. Morning light shining on them was perfect; creating a nice contrast and shadows. I shot her few times, then approached her and told her about it and also asked her permission to photograph her more. She was perfectly fine with that. After I was done, we engaged in a short but friendly conversation, then I went on my way to Battery Park to photograph the little sail boats on the Delaware River. As I walked back to my car, I saw and captured few little details. I also noticed a sign for a café that I had never been to. It was located in a small alley. I went in, ordered my usual, a decaf latte. . . then. . . not so usual, a muffin. As I was spreading cream cheese on my warm muffin, sipping my latte and listening the soothing music that was playing I said to myself “life is good. . . beautiful morning, good photography time, friendly chit chats with locals, good latte and a fresh warm muffin. . .” Did I need that muffin; not really. Would it directly go to my butt; probably. But it felt so good and so right and I savored it till the last crumb with pleasure. It is good to treat yourself once in a while. It keeps the spirit happy and healthy :)

Oct 5, 2011

Suburban Street Photography @ Havre de Grace ~ Part 1

I started my walk pretty early in the day with the hope to catch a beautiful sunrise yet sunrise lacked drama in the sky that morning.  

Suburban Street Photography @ Havre de Grace ~ Part 2

I came across with interesting things as I walked on the streets of this quaint little town.

Suburban Street Photography @ Havre de Grace ~ Part 3

 A little piece of nature